Ausrüstung zum Stanzen und Biegen für jeden Einsatz
VARO fertigt manuelle und halbautomatische Maschinen zum Stanzen und Biegen. Wir sind in diesem Bereich schon seit über 50 Jahren tätig und haben darin umfangreiche Erfahrung. Unter anderem sind wir für unsere Dekupiersägen, Schneidemaschinen und Biegemaschinen bekannt.
VARO liefert:
- Halbautomatische Schneidemaschinen
- Kombischeren
- Biegemaschinen
VARO ist immer kompromisslos bei der Wahl technischer Lösungen. Das charakterisiert auch unsere Schneide- und Biegeausrüstung. Wir liefern daher immer verschleißarme Qualitätsausrüstung mit sehr langer Nutzungsdauer.

Stanzen und biegen

Stanzen und biegen

Stanzen und biegen

Stanzen und biegen
42-0/42-0-P Shear
Manual or pneumatic shears. For straight cuts as well as single and double lips in medium hard steel rules in 1.5 pt., 2 pt., 3 pt. and 4 pt. thickness.
As standard, the machine is delivered with a 400 mm. long caliber gauge.
Maximum cutting capacity:
- Height: 32.00 mm.
- Thickness: 3 point (42-0)/ 4 point (42-0-P)
For further information please contact our diemaking sales manager Rikke Rudolph at: +45 52 14 46 56 or

42-0 and 42-0-P

Types of cuts
43-0/43-0-P Notcher
The 43-0-P pneumatic notcher makes notches with a round top in 1.5 pt., 2 pt., 3 pt. and 4 pt. medium hard steel rules. The notch depth is steplessly variable from 0 to 20 mm. As standard the machine is equipped with a Tool for 8mm wide notches. Two gauge plates (for 18 and 15 mm. deep notches) are supplied with the machine.
A manual version is also availabe (43-0)
Maximum cutting capacity:
- Thickness: 4 pt.
For further information please contact our diemaking sales manager Rikke Rudolph at: +45 52 14 46 56 or

43-0-P pneumatic notcher

Types of cuts
47-0-P Pneumatic Shears
The 47-0-P pneumatic shears makes straight cuts as well as single and double lips in facet bevel rule only. The cutting capacity is up to 32.00 mm. high medium hard steel rules in 2 pt., 3 pt. and 4 pt. thickness.
The machine is delivered preset for 2 pt., 3 pt. or 4 pt. rules as per choice. As standard the machine is delivered with a 400 mm. long caliper gauge.
Maximum cutting capacity (facet bevel rule only):
- Height: 32.00 mm
- Thickness: 4 mm.
For further information please contact our diemaking sales manager Rikke Rudolph at: +45 52 14 46 56 or

47-0-P pneumatic shears,

Types of cuts
48-0/48-0-P Shears
The 48-0-P pneumatic shears make straight cuts in 50.80 mm. (2") high medium hard steel rules and in 50 mm. high x 2 mm. thick stripping blades as well as straight cuts in medium hard bent rules. The cutting capacity is 1.5 pt., 2 pt., 3 pt. and 4 pt.
As standard the machine is delivered with 2 sets of magnetic guide bars, 4 gauge plates and a 400 mm. long caliper gauge. The machine is also available in a manual version (48-0)
Maximum cutting capacity:
- Height: 50.80 mm.
- Thickness: 4 pt.
For further information please contact our diemaking sales manager Rikke Rudolph at: +45 52 14 46 56 or

48-0-P pneumatic shears. Also available in a manual 48-0 version

Type of cut
53-0-R Pneumatic Shears
The 53-0-R is a pneumatic-powered machine for faster and easier cutting of rotary rules as well as flatbed rules. The special guide system makes it possible to get an accurate straight cut, mitre or notch. Adjustable rolles in the stand allow for differetn sizes of rotary rule coils to be placed on the stand and for the smooth feeding of the rule into the machine.
A foot pedal is used to operate the machine, leaving both hans free to feed and hold the rule. An adjustable stop can be used if identical pieces are aquired.
Maximum cutting capacity:
- 4 point
- 32.00 mm.
- Min. diameter of rotary rule: 305 mm.
- Max. diameter of rotary rule: 607 mm.
For further information please contact our diemaking sales manager Rikke Rudolph at: +45 52 14 46 56 or

53-0-R pneumatic shears

53-0-R pneumatic shears. Multi-purpose guide system.

53-0-R pneumatic shears. Multi-purpose guide system.
57-0/57-0-P combi shears
The manual combination shears 57-0 offers all basic operations; straight cutting, lipping and notching medium hardened steel rules. The new ”click” guiding system makes it easy to adjust the machine for 1.5, 2, 3 or 4 point rule. The depth of the notch is adjustable. Width of notch is 8mm (optional: 6mm)
As standard the machine is delivered with a 400mm calipers.
Maximum cutting capacity
- Height: 22 - 26 mm
- Thickness: 2-4 pt (VARO recommends the pneumatic 57-0-P for cutting 4 point)
For further information please contact our diemaking sales manager Rikke Rudolph at: +45 52 14 46 56 or

57-0 combi shears

Types of cuts